How to best prepare for a session.

You found me on Instagram or Google, got in touch with me, we now have a session on the calendar and the question arises ‘What am I going to wear?’

For the human(s):
Don’t sweat it. Most importantly, I want you to feel comfortable in whatever you are wearing. Another plus is if it is an outfit without a super busy pattern or oversized logos.

For your dog(s):
The dogs usually look their best the less they have on them. So, only if possible, I’d love for them to not wear large harnesses or multiple collars around their necks.

Try and get there 15 minutes early to get your dog(s) acclimated to the surroundings, let them sniff a little, work them a little in order to set all of you up for success. Some leash drills can help take the edge off and get your pup in sync with you. Need help with that? MIK9 has some great resources (and trainers) for you and your dog.

These are suggestions I’m making because your pup’s and therefore your behavior and overall mood can make or break a session. People get frustrated quickly when Frodo is not listening because he is too distracted by new smells, moving branches, and squirrels. Getting there just a few minutes early and working through some of the nerves, yours and your pup’s, can make a helluva difference. Your dog will feed off of the energy you give off. So make sure it’s a good one ;).

I’m so looking forward to meeting you and your dog.

Young woman and pit bull standing under green tree during dog photo session.
Couple sitting in grass with dogs during dog photo session.
Dog owners and dog laying on blanket during dog photo session.